Karen Ferrel is a communicator of the Spiritual Realm.
We are all currently in the living one, and often would like to receive messages from the other side. The ‘Spirit Realm’ is where our loved ones who have passed, our Guardian Angels, as well as our Spirit Guides reside. Most of us do not receive these messages and turn to a psychic medium for them. Karen is able to receive these messages. She is able to call upon loved ones that have passed, people you may not have ever known, tell you who has just popped in to say hello, and many times give you information about your Spirit Guide. Karen believes we all have different ‘gifts’ and abilities, and it is just a matter of figuring out what yours may be. Science has proven that we utilize a very small percentage of our brains, and Karen thinks that people with special abilities just use a part of the brain that others do not tap into. She fully believes it is provided by the Loving Light of the Universe that she chooses to call God.

I am not your mama’s medium!
I come from a long line of women with the ability to talk with those that have passed, though we all do it a little differently. I can feel a shift in energy and can tell when a spirit is nearby, luckily I rarely see the image. When they speak to me, I can clearly hear their voice and get a quick flash of an image. Sometimes the image represents something, and sometimes it is an actual item. I provide you with the image and often it is related to something you have recently done, letting you know they have been near to you. I am a physical medium, meaning I can feel things such as a spirit standing close or I receive messages such as pain in my body. Those that have walked the Earth very often communicate with what happened in their death, i.e. pain in my chest, or throat from them having a tube down it when they passed. I do not see nor predict the future, but on occasion your Spirit Guide will feed me information on what is coming up in your life. This message is generated from them and I simply pass the information on to you. I often rely on one of my Guardian Angels, Russell, to verify information. He had been a great friend in this lifetime and passed on from the Living Realm. I ALWAYS ask for protection from the Loving Light of the Universe and surround myself with the White Light. It is an honor and privilege when people open up their hearts and pasts to me. I do NOT take this lightly.

The Scarlet Crow offers Bone Readings by Karen.
If you are not familiar with Bone Readings, they are similar to Tarot Card Readings. The reading is done with a mixture of assorted bones and trinkets that have an assigned meaning, depending on where they land determines how Karen interprets them. Karen communicates with the Spirit Realm for insight on readings. She utilizes guidance from the Love and the Light during all sessions. A Bone Reading can let you know if you are on your life path, or what adjustments need to be made to get on that. Please contact us for any information.